Hip Impingement is a condition of too much friction in the hip joint creating damage to the articular cartilage or the labrum or both.
Patient will feels pain in the hip joint in certain movements, painful clicks, and occasional locking joint and gives away. It Usually occurs in the athletic type persons.
Every patient should have MRI arthrogram (Injecting a dye into the hip joint and taking MRI pictures) to establish the diagnosis.
Once the condition confirmed every patient needs surgical correction if they are symptomatic. This includes hip decompression and cartilage labral repair.
Every patient will get intensive physiotherapy which will be in four stages, each stage is 6 weeks long, in order to rehabilitate the hip joint.
The Procedures:
Labral repair
Hip decompression
Common type
Neck impingement
Acetabulum type
Text book pictures
During one of my operations
Same patient x-ray